
SICP Exercise 1.36: Average Damping

Modify fixed-point so that it prints the sequence of approximations it generates, using the newline and display primitives shown in exercise 1.22. Then find a solution to xx = 1000 by finding a fixed point of x → log(1000)/log(x). (Use Scheme's primitive log procedure, which computes natural logarithms.) Compare the number of steps this takes with and without average damping. (Note that you cannot start fixed-point with a guess of 1, as this would cause division by log(1) = 0.)

Here's the original fixed-point:
(define (fixed-point f first-guess)
  (define (close-enough? v1 v2)
    (< (abs (- v1 v2)) tolerance))
  (define (try guess)
    (let ((next (f guess)))
      (if (close-enough? guess next)
          (try next))))
  (try first-guess))
Let's report a couple of things: the initial guess, and the value of next calculated at each call to try:
(define (fixed-point f first-guess)
  (define (close-enough? v1 v2)
    (< (abs (- v1 v2)) tolerance))
  (define (try guess)
    (let ((next (f guess)))
      (display "next: ")
      (display next)
      (if (close-enough? guess next)
          (try next))))
  (display "first-guess: ")
  (display first-guess)
  (try first-guess))
We can now use this to find a fixed point of x → log(1000)/log(x) with and without average damping. We're reminded that we can't start with a guess of 1, so let's pick 1.1 as our initial guess.

To find the fixed point without average damping we simply translate the transformation directly:
> (fixed-point (lambda (x) (/ (log 1000) (log x))) 1.1)
first-guess: 1.1
next: 72.47657378429035
next: 1.6127318474109593
next: 14.45350138636525
next: 2.5862669415385087
next: 7.269672273367045
next: 3.4822383620848467
next: 5.536500810236703
next: 4.036406406288111
next: 4.95053682041456
next: 4.318707390180805
next: 4.721778787145103
next: 4.450341068884912
next: 4.626821434106115
next: 4.509360945293209
next: 4.586349500915509
next: 4.535372639594589
next: 4.568901484845316
next: 4.546751100777536
next: 4.561341971741742
next: 4.551712230641226
next: 4.558059671677587
next: 4.55387226495538
next: 4.556633177654167
next: 4.554812144696459
next: 4.556012967736543
next: 4.555220997683307
next: 4.555743265552239
next: 4.555398830243649
next: 4.555625974816275
next: 4.555476175432173
next: 4.555574964557791
next: 4.555509814636753
next: 4.555552779647764
next: 4.555524444961165
next: 4.555543131130589
next: 4.555530807938518
next: 4.555538934848503
That took 37 calculations of next to find a fixed point that's within the set tolerance.

Now let's do it with average damping. To do this we need to average the preceding guess, x, with the current guess, log(1000)/log(x). Assuming we have the procedure average, which is defined earlier on in the book, we can do this as follows:
> (fixed-point (lambda (x) (average x (/ (log 1000) (log x)))) 1.1)
first-guess: 1.1
next: 36.78828689214517
next: 19.352175531882512
next: 10.84183367957568
next: 6.870048352141772
next: 5.227224961967156
next: 4.701960195159289
next: 4.582196773201124
next: 4.560134229703681
next: 4.5563204194309606
next: 4.555669361784037
next: 4.555558462975639
next: 4.55553957996306
next: 4.555536364911781
Here we have 13 calculations of next to find a fixed point that's within the set tolerance. So we see that average damping causes the function to converge quicker.

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